Wednesday, October 19, 2005


I've really gotten into podcasts lately, so I'd like to list a few of my favorites. I usually get them through iTunes or Podcast Alley. These are in no particular order.

- Pottercast, the podcast of News and discussion on the Harry Potter books. The cast is mostly female, except for John Noe (who is hilarious, and likes Queen!).

- Mugglecast, the podcast of Also Harry Potter news and discussion. The cast is mostly male.

- Diggnation, the podcast of lets viewers post and vote for ("digg") interesting technology news stories on the web. The top ten stories of the week are covered in the podcast.

- Geeks On. Discussion from a group of California geeks about geek-centric topics.

- This Week In Tech. More technology news. Very professional - probably the most popular "independent" (i.e. not NPR) podcast out there.

I'll post more as I think of or discover them.

New Lemony Snicket book is released!

A Series of Unfortunate Events book the twelfth, The Penultimate Peril, was released yesterday. I went nuts trying to wait for work to get out so I could go buy it. I even went to the university bookstore hoping they had it (yeah right). The publishers and Mr. Snicket had a lot of fun with this release - they didn't even reveal the book's title until yesterday. I spent the last few months on trying to solve the mystery of its name. Of course there was no chance of figuring out the title before it was released, but I got to view some illustrations and a page from the book. I finished reading the book this morning. What can I say? Apparently there's still one more book to go, so there are still a lot of questions to be answered. Hopefully the 13th book will be released next fall, and there will be some sort of resolution to the Baudelaire's tale.

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